Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pizza Foody

Pizza oh Pizza...yum! Oh before I get to start writing about my Pizza Foody experience, here's a PIZZA fact for you :)
The world's largest pizza was built on October 11, 1987 by Lorenzo Amato and Louis Piancone. The pizza covered 10,000 square feet and measured 140 feet across. It weighed in at 44,457 pounds, consisting of, among other items, 18,174 pounds of flour, 1,103 pounds of water, 6,445 pounds of sauce, 9,375 pounds of cheese and 2,387 pounds of pepperoni. The pie was cut into 94,248 slices and eaten by more than 30,000 spectators at the baking in Havana, Florida. (want more pizza facts and trivia? click here
OH! that was really huge! *wink* and here I go with my Pizza foody experience...

Before, I used to not like pizza's'. There is this one time, on my primary school days, when Mom brought a pizza home. I remember getting the ingredients (pepper, ham, cheese, etc) on top of the dough and set it aside before I eat it. And oh! I even remember washing it until I can no longer smell the scent of melted ketchup with cheese on the dough (weird! poor dough). Then all of a sudden when I reached my secondary school then, HOLA! I then love pizza!!! I don't know why. Well, i don't care anymore as to how it happened. It's like MAGIC! Chos!

In fact yesterday, my friends and I went to a known Pizza house here in Dumaguete City, Philippines - NEVAS! and we have this *Hungarain Pizza*
It was really yummy! It made my day :) 

and oh before I forget, here's a funny true-to-life pizza story or scene (whatever) I read also on the same site I mentioned above. It was titled as "The FBI and PIZZA" and here it is;

The following is a direct quote from the Center for Strategic and International Studies report on GLOBAL ORGANIZED CRIME; the author who introduces the story swears it's true.

FBI agents conducted a raid of a psychiatric hospital in San Diego that was under investigation for medical insurance fraud. After hours of reviewing thousands of medical records, the dozens of agents had worked up quite an appetite. The agent in charge of the investigation called a nearby pizza parlor with delivery service to order a quick dinner for his colleagues.

The following telephone conversation took place and was recorded by the FBI because they were taping all conversations at the hospital.

Agent: Hello. I would like to order 19 large pizzas and 67 cans of soda.
Pizza Man: And where would you like them delivered?
Agent: We're over at the psychiatric hospital.

Pizza Man: The psychiatric hospital?

Agent: That's right. I'm an FBI agent.
Pizza Man: You're an FBI agent?
Agent: That's correct. Just about everybody here is.
Pizza Man: And you're at the psychiatric hospital?
Agent: That's correct. And make sure you don't go through the front doors. We have them locked. You will have to go around to the back to the service entrance to deliver the pizzas.
Pizza Man: And you say you're all FBI agents?
Agent: That's right. How soon can you have them here?
Pizza Man: And everyone at the psychiatric hospital is an FBI agent?
Agent: That's right. We've been here all day and we're starving.
Pizza Man: How are you going to pay for all of this?
Agent: I have my checkbook right here.
Pizza Man: And you're all FBI agents?
Agent: That's right. Everyone here is an FBI agent. Can you remember to bring the pizzas and sodas to the service  entrance in the rear? We have the front doors locked.
Pizza Man: I don't think so.
Agent: Click!

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